Tuesday 21 April 2009

candy floss tree

this is the tree and the church on the top of the hill where i live. i love it. i see it often, and always think it would make great pictures. its only taken three years to get around to it.
i think the tree is at its best in spring, when it looks like candy floss on a stick with the thick pink blossom, but it looks great all the time, even when its bare in winter.

i recently did a course where i discovered that my primary learning technique is visual. this in turn, apparently makes me observant. well, i don't notice important stuff, but i like pretty things and like to appreciate the world around me. so now you know what a freak i am, to spend my time staring at trees and flowers. what an insight to the strange workings of my mind.


Emily Anne Leyland said...

It's not freakish to do that. I do it OFTEN :) We just appreciate the beauty of this world, that's all :)

Jo said...

thanks. i was thinking i'd made a horrible mistake admitting it to the world!

Anonymous said...

I love that!